"Monochrome furniture, sure. Everything all gray? You'll be refurnishing within 10 years, if not sooner. Monotone colors. The black, whites, and greys have never been cool. They are boring." - 33, Oregon
"I may be an older Gen Zer, but I work regularly with younger Gen Z and Gen Alpha. What we don't see are bold eyebrow styles. More and more people are opting to embrace their natural or almost-natural brows instead of big or skinny brows." - 24, Florida
"I'm a cusper, so I don't know if my opinion counts, but 'I did a thing' needs to be left behind. If you, as a grown adult, did a grown adult thing just say that."
"The 'smol girl' and 'big boy' thing/saying things in a baby-like tone of voice. It's as if I'm talking to a person who can't seem to escape the old, really bizarre face filters off of TikTok and Snapchat."