Donald Trump's early environmental policies as president have been heavily influenced by personal preferences, prioritizing issues such as showerheads and other household appliances over broader climate initiatives. His executive orders, including withdrawal from the Paris climate accords and prioritizing consumer choice, reflect a focus on personal grievances rather than global environmental impacts. Notably, he issued an order to divert California's water from protections for the delta smelt, which he referred to as a 'worthless fish.' Experts caution that these personal priorities may encounter legal and practical challenges that undermine their effectiveness.
It was very striking that the White House memo included toilets and shower heads as a presidential priority. It really was something, said Andrew deLaski, executive director at the Appliance Standards Awareness Project.
When he last was president, Trump scrapped stricter energy efficiency standards for lightbulbs and created loopholes for less efficient appliances such as dishwashers and showers.
While withdrawing the US from the Paris climate accords and declaring an energy emergency were among Trump's most noteworthy executive orders on his first day in office, both were further down a list of priorities.
Experts say that trying to further these grievances through the presidency will hit inconvenient roadblocks.