Chris Licht criticized the media's exaggerated predictions regarding Donald Trump, warning that such hyperbole erodes trust in journalism and underscores potential credibility issues.
Licht stated, 'We used to have one set of facts, and then you could have 30 discussions around that set of facts. Now you have 30 sets of facts, and a thousand discussions around those sets of facts.' This change could have severe ramifications for society.
He emphasized journalists should report facts straightforwardly, saying, 'Don't say they killed nine... [Trump's] going to do enough things that really require scrutiny.' He urges caution in interpretations made by media.
Licht warned against predictions, stating, 'It's the end of democracy.' Well, if it's not, if four years from now it's not, then we have a problem with credibility.' This highlights the dangers of media exaggeration.