Since the coup in September 2021, Mamady Doumbouya's image dominates Conakry, with billboards reflecting an unsettling loyalty from the public. Despite initial optimism following the deposing of Alpha Conde, concerns over Doumbouya's intentions have grown. Promises of a constitutional referendum and returning power to civilians by 2024 remain unfulfilled, leading to fear among opposition and civil society figures. The pervasive messaging of support contrasts sharply with the growing authoritarian nature of the regime, evidencing a troubling trend for political freedom in Guinea.
Across Guinea's capital, Conakry, billboards and posters proclaim the people's loyalty to the vision of Mamady Doumbouya, the general who has led the west African country since a coup in September 2021.
Each of us is afraid for his own safety, said Abdoulaye Kourouma, the head of the opposition Rally for Renaissance and Development party. Whether you are a scientist, a university scholar, a leader of opinion, a very good journalist, no one speaks today.
Many people initially welcomed the coup that deposed Alpha Conde, who had controversially altered the constitution in 2020 to enable him serve a third five-year term.
But neither promise was fulfilled, and in the meantime a steady flow of opposition figures and civil society members have been detained or brought before the courts.