"The rule change is super important as it corrects a long-standing and erroneous exclusion of DACA recipients from ACA coverage," said Nicholas Espiritu, a deputy legal director for the National Immigration Law Center, which has filed briefs supporting the government rule. This illustrates the significance of the new policy in providing healthcare access to those previously barred.
"Under a Biden administration rule, DACA recipients will be able to enroll in and, if their income qualifies, receive premium subsidies for Obamacare coverage," highlighting the forward movement of health coverage accessibility for Dreamers and the potential impact on approximately 100,000 individuals.
The fate of the rule remains uncertain as it is being contested in federal court by Kansas and 18 other states, demonstrating the divisive political landscape regarding immigration and healthcare policies.
The ACA open enrollment period began, signaling a new opportunity for many previously uninsured individuals, particularly DACA recipients, to access healthcare in a time of need.