Don't Be Shy - Check Out These 29 Products That'll Help Out With Your All-Too-Common Household Struggles

For $10, you can cover up so many scratches that you couldn't buy a house big enough to run out of ink. I've had this for just four hours, but I fixed a table that was scratched when I moved it, kitchen cabinets, chairs, a wine rack, and some hardwood flooring. It does a good job at covering the scratches to a point where you have to stare at a spot to notice it, but don't expect it to make your furniture look brand-new again. But for $10, you can make your furniture look reasonable! Would highly recommend to anyone who has pets who scratch the !@#$ out of their wood furniture.
This is the definition of 'product you didn't know you needed because you didn't know it existed.' I was FOREVER pulling the wrong chain on our bedroom ceiling fan. (Want the light off? Oh the fan's on high. Need to change the fan speed? you're in the dark.) They're a much better quality than I expected. They're actually quite heavy-duty pull chains, and they add a bit of fun to the decor (when you notice them - most of the time, who even thinks about a ceiling fan pull chain?). As an added bonus, my infant daughter loves staring at them while I change her diaper or jammies.
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