Delete This': MLK Jr's Daughter Blasts Vile' and Irresponsible' Deepfake Viral Video of Her Father Endorsing Trump

"Delete this, she wrote. It's vile, fake, irresponsible, and not at all reflective of what my father would say. And you gave no thought to our family's grief."
"We've been told again and again that we cannot vote for the man that did more for the Black community than any other president," says the fake-King in mimicry of the slain civil rights leader's speaking voice to start the video.
"If Martin Luther King, Jr. was alive today, he'd support President Trump," read the tweet accompanying the deepfake video, demonstrating how misinformation spreads in politically charged contexts.
The video received many highly critical replies, denouncing both the use of deepfake videos in general, but especially the use of the technology to falsify support from MLK specifically.
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