The community is set up by the social media site's owner Elon Musk's super PAC and invites users to "share potential incidents of voter fraud or irregularities you see while voting in the 2024 election." This initiative is part of a broader narrative among Trump supporters aiming to present a picture of widespread fraud in elections.
To be clear, there have been incidents of noncitizens voting illegally, but it happens in very small numbers and there is no sign that it has affected election results, Jingnan says. This builds an impression that voter fraud is happening everywhere when in fact it's very rare.
Nearly 40% of women under the age of 30 cite abortion as a top issue in this election. Abortion access will be directly on the ballot in 10 states next week. Vice President Harris has stated that if she is elected, she will restore reproductive freedom and sign a bill that enshrines the right to an abortion.
Trump and his allies have discussed the possibility of implementing national abortion limits often referred to as a minimum national standard. However, Trump rolled that back on the campaign trail weeks ago, saying he would veto a federal abortion ban.