Council declines to give $5 million for theater project, but may hire a fundraising consultant

"I thought we would have some pledges, some commitments. I was disappointed that was not the result," said Councilwoman Neysa Fligor, expressing frustration about fundraising efforts for the theater.
"What we've learned is we were kind of naive at the beginning of the process, and we're in a very different place now, with different obligations," reflecting Councilwoman Sally Meadows' realization of the project's challenges.
"To think that we could have somebody part-time or on a contract basis or seasonal or work on contingency - no. I won't support any of that crap," Vice Mayor Pete Dailey insisted on hiring a full-time consultant.
"Our public safety infrastructure definitely takes priority," stated Councilwoman Lynette Lee Eng, emphasizing her concerns over funding a new theater over more urgent needs like a police station.
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