"When we first went in [to our fertility clinic], we went in sort of skipping, holding hands, all happy... I had four sperm. Three of them were dead. One was barely moving in my sample. It was one of those things where [I was basically] considered technically infertile. I was like, 'This sucks. This is hard.'"
"Our world is a million times better with you in it." Underwood shared this heartfelt sentiment in his Instagram post announcing the birth of their son, Bishop Colton Brown-Underwood, on September 26, 2024.
"Following a six-month process that involved Underwood getting off testosterone supplements, working out less, not using his hot tub or sauna, and taking morning walks, both he and Brown were able to fertilize several frozen embryos."
"We were obsessed with 'B' names and Bishop was the very first name we loved," Underwood said, explaining how he and Brown chose their son's name during a Q&A session on Instagram.