BROWN: I do want to ask you, given you're a member of Congress, as we look ahead to the next election, your role is critical in certifying the results of the election. And I just want to ask you, can you commit to a peaceful transfer of power after every state has certified its election results?
WALTZ: Well, I mean, you know, a couple of things there to unpack that question. One, it makes no sense except for a political motivation that Jack Smith and the judge unsealed this before the Trump campaign even had a chance to respond. They were given to mid October to to respond.
WALTZ:'s politically driven. It's being done deliberately and the weeks before. And I got to tell you, I'm not hearing from a single constituent any concerns about this. It's inflation, the economy, the border crime and the world that's in that's in chaos.
BROWN: Will you commit to a peaceful transfer of power? WALTZ: At the end of the day, yes, yes, we should have a peaceful transfer of power in this country. Absolutely.