"Sable is a patent troll. It doesn't make, develop, innovate, or sell anything. Sable IP is merely a shell entity formed to monetize an ancient patent portfolio acquired by Sable Networks from Caspian Networks in 2006."
"Lately, these patent profiteers have targeted the open source community. The Cloud Native Computing Foundation and Linux Foundation last month strengthened ties with United Patents, a company focused on defending against predatory patent claims."
"In February, Cloudflare prevailed when a Texas jury found it did not infringe Sable's 'micro-flow label switching' patent."
"Four other companies sued by Sable - Fortinet, Check Point, SonicWall, and Juniper Networks - settled out of court. Splunk, meanwhile, fought back and managed last year to convince Sable to dismiss its claim against the Cisco-owned operation."