This Citi Bike expansion is the latest way we're making it easier and more affordable to get around New York City, particularly for low-income New Yorkers. People in Brownsville and other low-income neighborhoods deserve Citi Bike access as much as any other New Yorker, and this expansion brings us closer to ensuring just that.
The new expansion appears to avoid pushing into areas where pro-car elected officials have pushed back on bike infrastructure in general, such as downtown Flushing and the east Bronx where the city is currently dealing with heavy backlash to shared e-scooters.
Lyft will also double-up on docks in busy areas where stations routinely fill up to capacity, including in midtown and downtown Manhattan, Harlem, North Brooklyn and Park Slope, according to the City Hall press release, which dubbed the latest additions 'Phase 3.5.'
The expansion will be a boon for those lucky neighborhoods, but leaves out some gaps in dense areas that would do well with bike-share, such as Sunset Park Chinatown, Borough Park, Riverdale and downtown Flushing - parts of the city where officials have faced pushback and windshield perspective from locals and their representatives over basic safe street infrastructure.
#citi-bike #new-york-city #bike-share-expansion #low-income-neighborhoods #transportation-infrastructure