I never saw mommy kissing Santa Claus, but I saw Chris Rock stiff a roomful of VIPs. I was there. Saturday night. Special invitation issued months ago. The host - Anthony Pratt, executive chairman of Pratt Industries. His full-page NY Times ads run constantly. The family is Triple A in Australia.
Dinner's second course brought - surprise! - Chris Rock. No big announcement. Nobody had seen him. Nobody heard he'd be there. He'd been officially hidden.
He faced us. Behind us the back walls and exit doors. Whatever he saw - or thought he saw - upset him. Like he went momentarily ape and shouted something like he wasn't supposed to be taped, videoed, reported or whatever else wasn't supposed to happen.
The stunned audience watched as Rock, visibly agitated, stormed out without explanation, leaving behind a mix of confusion and excitement among the guests.