Pallets may seem ideal for various DIY projects, but they pose health risks due to potential chemical contamination from previous use or treatment. Many pallets are treated with harmful substances like methyl bromide, which can have adverse health effects. It's crucial to investigate the source and treatment of pallets before utilizing them for home projects. The IPPC stamp can indicate how the wood was treated, which can help inform users whether it’s safe for reuse. It's essential to prioritize safety when considering pallet upcycling, despite their appealing nature for decor projects.
You have to consider where [the pallet] came from, what's been shipped on it, and what you're going to use it for.
I think a lot of people see these cool ideas on the internet and on Pinterest, and they go for it... they really don't think about what it's been treated with.
Pallets are either heat-treated (heated to a high temperature in kilns to seal the wood) or treated with methyl bromide - a toxic pesticide.
Look for the IPPC stamp on the side of the wood to determine how it was treated.