"The next four years could prove pivotal for South Berkeley as city officials hope to transform the Ashby BART station with hundreds of new apartments, improve public safety and reverse a decades-long displacement trend that has sapped the neighborhood of many of its Black residents."
"Incumbent Councilmember Ben Bartlett contends South Berkeley and the city as a whole have made progress on pressing local issues like housing affordability and public safety during his tenure, which is why he deserves a third term representing the district."
"It's definitely time for a change, said Deborah Matthews, a realtor who has twice run unsuccessfully for the District 3 seat against Bartlett. Matthews calls for Berkeley to invest more in its police department."
"John Chip Moore, a planning commissioner and member of Berkeley's Police Accountability Board, criticized the City Council's efforts to rezone residential neighborhoods for more housing density and a recently adopted housing policy."