When people pay a lot of money for a trip, they expect everything to go their way, and kids being kids in their space aren't usually welcome. Not on a Disney cruise. Every time our son was overwhelmed, cranky, overtired, whatever, a cast member picked up on it and stepped in to bring him back into the fun.
Of course we had the pools, the character meet-and-greets, the shows, and all the magic. But it was the little things that saved our sanity as parents on our Disney cruise.
By the end of our three days, we agreed on one thing with absolute certainty: We will never take any cruise that isn't a Disney cruise until after our kid moves out.
Taking a 3.5-year-old onto a floating island of temptation with soft serve machines and gift shops at every turn meant we had a lot of tantrums to work through in the middle of the ocean.