"I remember coaches who I don't even play for, they were trying to poke holes in the idea. I'd have to break it down. 'So, let me get this straight: Instead of having your player come to a training camp where they have access to all these things, you'd rather have them do it alone? With access to only whatever they have at home?" This statement by Purce reflects the initial skepticism surrounding The Offseason, highlighting the challenges of securing buy-in from the soccer community.
"The show's first season, which ran for six episodes and streamed on X, garnered more than 180 million views," showcasing the significant interest and engagement with the series in contrast to traditional views on women's soccer. The reach was tremendous, suggesting a shift in audience perception and an increasing desire to connect with the athletes outside of their competitive moments.
"Some episodes fared better than others, but the overall reach is pretty staggering," indicating the varied reception of individual episodes of The Offseason, while emphasizing the remarkable collective viewership, truly reflecting the growing popularity of women's soccer. It suggests that even within this new format, viewer engagement can fluctuate, perhaps due to content or timing.