Those of us who first became politically homeless in 2016 have lately been in a quandary: We need to figure out who we are. If we are not to succumb to the Saruman trap -going along with populist authoritarians in the foolish hope of using them for higher purposes-then we had better establish what we stand for.
Today's progressives are a long, long way from their predecessors of the early 20th century-just invoke Theodore Roosevelt's name at a gathering of 'the Squad' and see what happens.
Both MAGA- and progressive-activist worlds are more interested in destroying institutions than building them... seek to enforce speech codes; threaten to drive those they consider their enemies from public life.
Labels matter in politics. They can also lose their meaning. There is, for example, nothing 'conservative' about the MAGA movement, which is, in large part, reactionary, looking for a return to an idealized past, when it is not merely a cult of personality.