"You can add specifics, such as needing to avoid certain foods, foods you tolerate best, and/or how you need your food cooked (e.g., grilled versus fried or boiled versus raw), she says. This can be really helpful to communicate with the person that will be preparing your food."
"Whether at a remote Wyoming diner or an elegant Paris pâtisserie, knowing the bathroom situation is a must for people with UC. The only way to determine if you'll have the access you need is to inquire ahead."
"I highly recommend the We Can't Wait bathroom-finder app, says Moran. Created by the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation, this app helps you locate more than 45,000 publicly accessible restrooms in the U.S."
"When I travel with a group, I often will suggest eating at a certain restaurant that I have already vetted, says Moran. Sometimes, I even send my travel buddies the list of restaurants I've researched before the trip."