In Spielberg's E.T.: The Extraterrestrial, the eponymous alien is taken trick-or-treating by his human guardians, hidden under a sheet. As he looks through the eyeholes of his makeshift costume, we see dozens of kids in costume, but one is highlighted especially: A kid dressed as Yoda, wandering down the street. E.T. follows, excitedly saying "Home!!" It’s an adorable moment and a friendly nod from Spielberg to George Lucas.
A key detail you may have missed: while the kid dressed as Yoda walks away, you can hear Williams' "Yoda's Theme" played on the flute. In the documentary, we see archive footage of Spielberg and Williams discussing the motif. "Yoda's Theme is a sweet surprise," Spielberg says. "Is anyone gonna get it?" Williams asks. "About 200 million people," Spielberg answers.