The article discusses the implications of Order 66 and its inefficiencies, particularly regarding the Jedi survivors and Clone Army's eventual alienation. It highlights how the transition to Stormtroopers during the Empire's rise is explored in the animated series The Bad Batch, focusing on pivotal moments that led to the Rebellion's origins. The upcoming novel Star Wars: Sanctuary will delve deeper into the aftermath of the tsunami that hit Pabu and the Batch's search for safety, revealing how Omega’s journey to the Rebel Alliance begins from this hidden settlement.
In the episode titled 'Pabu,' one of the settlements was hit with a large tsunami. But what happened after that? How did Pabu recover, and eventually become the place from which Omega, all grown-up, eventually left to become a pilot for the Rebel Alliance?
Sanctuary will provide those answers and then some, exploring Hunter's relief at finding a safe haven far from the Empire's vigilance, and the challenges faced in rebuilding.