Watch the wild moment a crocodile gets into a brawl with an alligator

A dramatic encounter unfolded in Florida's Everglades when a crocodile and an alligator were seen battling over a basking spot. Taylor Bonachea captured the moment, revealing the crocodile ultimately defeated the alligator, causing it to retreat into the water. The footage went viral, prompting humorous and amazed reactions on social media. South Florida is unique as it hosts both species, which can be distinguished by their snout shapes. American crocodiles are generally more aggressive than alligators, which adds to the fascination surrounding their interaction.
"The alligator goes into the water and leaves the immediate vicinity in defeat, and the croc gets her nice sunny spot to bask in the sun..."
"This was pretty a pretty tame confrontation. Pound for pound the American crocodile is just tougher. They're more aggressive and have a stronger bite force."
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