Group seeks a new Muslim cemetery in Miami-Dade. Neighbors oppose the rezoning

"As this community expands, so does the need for a burial space. This is the fact of life," said Dr. Tariq Chebbi, emphasizing the necessity for burial spaces as the Muslim population grows. He added, "Proper burial in accordance with Islamic teaching is very important. This involves specific ritual and practices that must be followed." His statements reinforce the cultural and religious significance of having a dedicated space for Islamic burials.
"Burial is a religious practice for Muslims and that's why it's so important," said Omar Saleh from CAIR. He highlighted the urgency many Muslims face in burial practices, stating, "Most Muslims have run into those issues of not only how to bury, but how quickly to bury," showing the need for a facility that aligns with their beliefs.
Some neighbors opposed the rezoning request for the new cemetery, asserting, "We just don't want a cemetery. It can be a Catholic cemetery, it can be any type ... we just don't want a cemetery," which reflects a broader sentiment against any cemetery establishment in their rural community.
Read at Miami Herald