Primary schools in Romford and Dagenham to start mental health counselling

A full-time mental health practitioner is being assigned by the Place2Be charity to work at Marsh Green and Rush Green primary schools. It is part of a programme to help children as young as five, as well as their teachers and families, with one-to-one counselling where it's needed and group and drop-in sessions.
We have an increasing number of children who require this level of support, Marsh Green headteacher Natalie Sanchez revealed. Offering mental health support to pupils, parents and staff is going to be invaluable. We are hoping our pupils develop positive lifelong skills and behaviours in the future.
We're trying to shift the stigma around mental health. We work not just with the children but their parents and teachers as well, to create a culture where youngsters feel able to talk openly about their health. We are dealing with serious mental health issues and giving them support they don't get anywhere else.
All the evidence shows that addressing mental health problems in childhood is the best way of nipping them in the bud. The foundation is also funding part of the programme aimed at transforming children's life prospects following the isolation of lockdown during the Covid era.
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