34 People Share The "Unusual" Body Things They Spent Most Of Their Lives Thinking Were Totally Normal

The article highlights personal accounts from BuzzFeed readers sharing unusual bodily functions they thought were normal until diagnosed otherwise. Many individuals have had strange experiences, like sleepwalking while cooking, or feeling unusual reactions to foods. The narratives emphasize the importance of open discussions about bodily anomalies to reduce stigma and encourage others to seek help if necessary. It illustrates the shared experiences of bodily quirks as a means of connection and support among individuals, framing these stories as both relatable and important.
I asked BuzzFeed readers to share experiences like this that they've had, because we absolutely need to normalize talking about our bodies. We are each other's greatest resource, after all!
The sleepwalking is worse when I'm stressed. Last week, I woke up in the morning to find I had fried pierogis. I put four sauces in containers and put them in the sink, and then I packed my lunch. It was cat food.
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