The Aug. 21 rally outside the Miami VA... was part of a series of demonstrations across the country calling for safer staffing levels by National Nurses United. Their primary aim: to end the federal hiring freeze that has led to thousands of vacancies within the veterans' health system, ultimately affecting the quality of patient care provided to veterans.”},{
Bill Frogameni, a registered nurse at the Miami VA Medical Center said, "If you're going to care for veterans, you have to invest in people who care for veterans." This highlights the critical need for support and adequate staffing in the VA system to ensure that veterans receive proper care and services.”},{
National Nurses United asserts that the VA hiring freeze, which has been in effect since January 30, has "contributed to more than tens of thousands of vacancies across the health system, including thousands of RN positions." This alarming situation reflects the serious implications of human resource shortages in caregiving roles within veterans' healthcare.”}],
Leaders overseeing the federal health system argue that while medical facilities are hiring, they are being more 'strategic' based on need and demand; however, this has not alleviated the concerns surrounding job cuts and the impact on veterans' care.”}],