Chronic coughs in adults that do not produce phlegm and stop during sleep may be classified as 'habit cough,' which often does not respond to traditional medications. Unlike physical ailments, this type of cough can be treated effectively through psychological suggestion therapies. Evidence suggests that the therapy has rapidly resolved habit coughs in children and has been found beneficial for some adults as well. Innovative methods, including video-based suggestion therapy, provide accessible treatment paths for those affected.
In many cases of adults with such coughs, the diagnosis might be "habit cough," which can resolve nearly immediately with the right therapy.
Therapy with suggestion helps resolve habit cough in children and has also shown improvements in the chronic cough of some adults.
In the 1970's it was suggested to children that their cough could improve by wrapping a bed sheet around their mid-section, leading to rapid resolution.
Suggestion therapy can be accomplished through viewing a video at home, making it accessible for individuals seeking relief from habit cough.