Paige Behan expressed her frustration, stating, 'The HSE have failed to train doctors in a lifesaving surgery... It was partially funded for me to go abroad by the HSE to have this surgery. To come home and not be able to receive the standard basic of care for a wound infection, I think is absolutely shocking.' This emphasizes her disillusionment with the medical care provided to her post-surgery, underlining the gap in training and services for trans patients.
Paige described her experience at St James's Hospital as 'hysterical and upset' after being turned away despite presenting with a severe wound infection and bleeding. She indicated that the response she received not only added to her fears about her health but also underscored a broader systemic issue within the health services regarding the treatment of transgender individuals.
In discussing the implications of her experience, Paige stated, 'I believe I was denied correct and compassionate medical care by the health service on my return.' This reflects her perception that the system fails to recognize the unique healthcare needs of trans individuals, potentially leaving them vulnerable when they seek assistance.