BMA permits junior doctors to work at six hospitals during strike

To prevent dangerous delays to cancer care, we are granting a derogation for surgical registrars working on high-risk upper GI, head and neck, and lung cancers at three hospital trusts: Lewisham and Greenwich, Guys & St Thomas' and Kings College Hospital.
This will help patients who have experienced dangerous delays to their care due to the difficulties of mitigation against the unplanned and malicious cyber-attack.
The derogation only applies to surgical registrars in upper GI, head and neck, and lung cancer services at the three trusts listed. All other junior doctors, including at these trusts, still can and should strike.
Safe patient care has always been a priority for the BMA during the rounds of industrial action; ensured by giving trusts plenty of notice of the planned strikes, so that more senior doctors provide cover across the strike periods.
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