"This dark, compelling psychodrama opens on the first day of the trial of Ludovic Chevalier, who has been charged with the horrific murders of three teenaged girls. Their torture and killing was broadcast live on the 'dark web' into so-called Red Rooms for the benefit of voyeuristic sadists. A woman has waited outside the courthouse all night to get a seat in the spectator's gallery. She's a fashion model named Kelly-Anne, and she's obsessed with Chevalier."
"Recordings of two of these internet snuff films have been recovered, but may not be sufficient to prove beyond a doubt that Chevalier is guilty. Kelly-Ann, we learn, lives alone in a sleek but barren luxury apartment and possesses a high level of computer hacking skill. Other than that, she's a cipher, and Gariépy's unnerving stillness draws you in."
"Chevalier himself remains even more enigmatic than his fans—he's a silent, implacable figure in the courtroom and, blessedly, we never have to witness any of his crimes ourselves. The verbal descriptions and snippets of audio we are subjected to are more than sufficient to convey the horrific nature of his alleged acts."