Setting Up Effective Incrementality Testing For TV and Radio Campaigns | AdExchanger

Incrementality testing helps attribute conversions to TV and audio ads by isolating two audiences - a treatment group that receives the brand's ad and a control that doesn't - and comparing the behavior of each audience via either discrete timed tests or in an always-on fashion.
For one thing, if the treatment group for a sneakers brand is 18-24-year-olds, and the control group only contains people above 65, you'll see divergence in response rates regardless of the ad. Ensure the audiences are consistent across both groups. Some products also have longer consideration cycles (pizza delivery vs. mattresses), and some marketing channels have longer response cycles (brand search vs. billboards). Incrementality assessments should use appropriate lag windows.
While there are many ways to evaluate incrementality, there are five basic techniques suited to TV and audio.
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