Inside CNN's SEO efforts to crack Brazil

With 24-hour multiplatform programming, it is possible to follow CNN Brasil through the main pay-TV operators, through the website, through social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin), through Youtube, through podcast platforms, or even receive CNN content in your email every day through newsletters.
NP Digital (NPD) was tasked with increasing organic search visibility, organic sessions, and the number of pageviews coming from the organic search channel. Our critical KPI was to help deliver 1 billion pageviews in 2022. CNN also aimed to increase the percentage of organic traffic compared to all other digital channels.
NP Digital partnered with the CNN marketing teams to develop a holistic SEO and content strategy. Our efforts encompassed in-depth research, on-page optimization, targeted content development, best practice workshops, and the implementation of technical SEO best practices at scale.
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