Adland hates Apple's new iPad ad. Has the criticism gone too far?

Overwhelmingly, they argue that it appears Apple is highlighting how the rise of new technologies is pulverizing human-led creativity. On the other hand, some commentators have argued that it simply shows how we have the whole world at our fingertips through our phones and computers.
The 'pile-on' attitude, with sexist undertones, has done little to add to what could have been an interesting conversation about a divisive bit of advertising. Creativity in all forms is subjective, after all.
Jerry Daykin, client-side media consultant: 'I've had 50,000 views and over 1,000 interactions on my Tweet suggesting the whole thing could be resolved by playing it in reverse... divided between the advertising and creative community who thinks it's a massive fail and the strict Apple loyalists or crypto bros who think we're all stupid for not understanding the premise.'
Read at The Drum