Submit Your Questions For This Week's Episode Of The MLBTR Podcast

The MLB Trade Rumors podcast is inviting its audience to submit questions ahead of the upcoming season. As the regular season draws near, with Opening Day in just over two weeks, fans are encouraged to ask about various topics, including camp battles and predictions for the season. Submissions can be made via email or in audio format, with the possibility of some audio questions being played on the podcast itself. The hosts also remind listeners to subscribe through platforms like Spotify and Apple Podcasts for the latest insights and discussions regarding MLB.
We encourage our listeners to send in their questions for the upcoming MLB Trade Rumors podcast episode, where we’ll choose several to answer.
As Opening Day approaches, we invite fans to ask about anything baseball-related, including camp battles and season projections.
Listeners can submit questions via email or in audio form, contributing to an interactive podcast experience this season.
Don't forget to subscribe to the MLB Trade Rumors podcast on platforms like Spotify and Apple Podcasts for all the latest MLB discussions.
Read at MLB Trade Rumors