Since 1929, the Academy Awards have seen only 6% of nominees as people of color and 17% as women, with women of color below 2%. Despite this, recent data indicates progress, especially among women, with nominations at an all-time high of 32% in 2024. The movement began after the 2015 #OscarsSoWhite campaign highlighted the urgent need for diversity. This initiative has contributed to a gradual increase in racial representation, showcasing that while change is slow, there are signs of improvement within the Academy's nomination process.
Since the #OscarsSoWhite campaign, racial representation among nominees has seen a slow but positive change, with significant awareness sparked about diversity issues in Hollywood.
April Reign, creator of the #OscarsSoWhite hashtag, noted the stark absence of people of color in 2015 when she decided to bring attention to systemic inequities.