How not to be a terrible tourist: What Europeans want travelers to know

"Buy locally made items. Don’t just purchase cheap souvenirs. Remember that the people who live here need their bakeries and grocery stores. Pick up something from there." - Lony Scharenborg, Merchants' Association Manager, Amsterdam.
"A city is not only monuments and marbles; it is people. Show respect and coexist. Think of yourself as a temporary but integral citizen." - Giovanni Andrea Martini, City Council member, Venice.
"During big events, consider an alternative locale. Lesser-known parts of the country are filled with hidden gems. Get off the beaten track whenever possible." - Malcolm Roughead, VisitScotland CEO.
"Choose sustainable options if you can: come by train, use an electric vehicle, take public transport, or bike. Stay longer in the same place – less movement is always better." - Charel van Dam, Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions.
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