He was killed by a fellow firefighter. Now L.A. County will pay his family $7.2 million

Tory Carlon was fatally shot while on duty at L.A. County Fire Station 81 on June 1, 2021. His widow, Heidi, and their three children filed a wrongful-death lawsuit against L.A. County, alleging that fire officials knew of the shooter's dangerous conduct for years. The tragedy highlighted major concerns about the workplace safety protocols, especially given the shooter’s known history of violent behavior prior to this incident.
Fielding these mournful realities, attorney Thomas Johnston memorialized Carlon stating, "His loss is a wound that will never fully heal, not for his family, not for his brothers and sisters in the fire service, and not for the community he selflessly served." This reflects on the profound impact a committed firefighter like Carlon has on both personal and communal levels.
In a letter from county counsel, it was revealed that the $7.2 million settlement was motivated by ongoing litigation uncertainties, alongside an intention to avoid excessive litigation costs while addressing the claims presented by Carlon's family.
Supervisor Kathryn Barger expressed sentiments that resonate with many: "Nothing can help ease the pain or fill the void left by Tory. I will continue honoring both his memory and brave services to our Los Angeles County Fire Department." This underscores the lasting legacy of Carlon's dedication and the enduring grief felt by those who knew him.
Read at Los Angeles Times