A recent study by MedUX reveals London ranks last among 15 major European cities for 5G mobile service quality. Despite being a major tech hub, London lacks access to key high-frequency mmWave bands necessary for faster service, as these have yet to be allocated by UK authorities. A lack of perceived value in 5G amongst the British public discourages investment in network improvements, resulting in poor service quality. Telecoms regulator Ofcom plans to release more spectrum, but many see limited reasons to upgrade infrastructure or demand better service at this time.
When 5G was advertised, it was advertised around a few use cases including enhanced high speed connectivity, ultra low latency, high reliability, and massive network capacity. These were kind of the flagship user scenarios of 5G.
The lack of interest in 5G has resulted in networks being unwilling to invest the sums of money that would fix some of the problems, leading to the current service issues.