In a recent interview, Raven founding members John and Mark Gallagher reflected on their early tour with Metallica in 1983 during the "Kill 'Em All for One Tour." At that time, Metallica was experiencing growing pains as they navigated lineup changes and determined their sound. The Gallaghers highlighted the indecisiveness within Metallica regarding their vocal direction, considering alternatives to James Hetfield. Despite their youth, Metallica's potential was evident, leading to Hetfield becoming one of metal's most iconic frontmen, a fact that celebrates their enduring legacy over four decades.
They were a little fractured at the time, saying, 'We need to get a good singer.' ... We were like, 'What's the matter with James Hetfield? He's doing pretty good.'
Even though they were a young band, they were ahead of what most bands would be at that point, as far as the time they put into it.