'They were asked' - letter points finger at council over removal of homeless tents

Workers for Camden Council's waste contractor Veolia were filmed throwing a tent into a rubbish truck in Huntley Street, outside University College London Hospital, on November 11 after a joint operation by the hospital and police to remove rough sleepers from its land.
Mayor of London Sadiq Khan slammed the action as "appalling". Now a senior councillor in neighbouring Haringey has stated a Veolia boss said Camden Council asked it to remove tents.
Cllr Tom Simon, who leads Camden's Liberal Democrat opposition, told a full council meeting on November 20 he was appalled. He said: "The events of 10 November were one of the darkest in the history of Camden. DISGUSTING @CamdenCouncil DESTROYS THE TENTS OF THOSE EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS."
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