I learnt a lot on that walk, but the most memorable thing I took away is that the use of Guv'nor is not just Cockney rhyming slang. Turns out, Guv'nor is a term of respect used to address someone higher in authority, such as a sergeant addressing an inspector.
The officers also told me that being a police officer is nothing like GTA games, but not entirely unexciting either. The day before I joined them on the walkalong, police had arrested 11 people on Surrey and George Street. But on the day, I went, it seemed that their new initiative was working...
The arrest was for a man who had broken his Community Protection Notice, and this man was well-known to Croydon police, having broken it several times. I also observed how people respond when the police ask how they're doing. It seems that the mere presence of police can cause individuals to react with hostility...
#police-walkalongs #community-policing #law-enforcement-strategies #public-perceptions-of-law-enforcement