Fears decision to cut Croydon youth services will leave youngsters vulnerable'

Critics, including MP Natasha Irons, have accused Croydon council of neglecting essential youth services amid funding cuts that threaten programs vital for crime prevention and youth empowerment. The council's planned funding reductions for the Youth Engagement Team (YET) were revealed without public scrutiny, with many service users left in confusion. As youth programs are anticipated to transfer to voluntary organizations, concerns arise regarding the adequacy and availability of future services, particularly in areas like New Addington, where the council has made unexpected decisions that impact young people's support networks.
The council is relying on the fact that most people don't realise what's being cut, but the service users and staff know how crucial this is.
When news broke just before Christmas that its future was uncertain, it came as a shock to many.
Because there's no plan in the public domain, I don't know if there will even be a youth offer in New Addington.
Read at www.yourlocalguardian.co.uk