On 14 September 1980, a turboprop aircraft crashed into the Rio de la Plata, killing both pilots and three journalists. While authorities deemed it an accident, doubts arose, particularly given the political climate in Argentina under military rule. Jose Luis Ledesma, a colleague of the deceased journalists, shared his suspicions that the crash may not have been an accident, especially considering one victim’s ties to the Montoneros, a leftist guerrilla group. Ledesma himself faced numerous threats during this dark period in Argentina's history, which forced him into exile.
The authorities logged the crash as an accident, even though the pilots had raised no alarms to suggest there was a problem with the plane.
Many were not convinced it was simply an accident, as this was a time of brutal repression under military dictator Jorge Rafael Videla.
Ledesma, who escaped death by a last-minute change of plans, believes the crash was deliberate due to the political climate of the time.
Those were difficult years, Ledesma recalls, emphasizing the lack of trust among people as unofficial squads targeted dissenters.