Trump spent years courting Black voters. Kamala Harris has undone much of his success in just 7 weeks

Trump has attracted support from increasingly larger shares of Black voters when his opponent was President Joe Biden. However, Kamala Harris has made serious headway with Black voters, especially among the younger demographic. In a recent Washington Post-Ipsos poll, 77% of Black voters aged 18 to 29 expressed their support for Harris, a notable increase from 59% in April. Contrary to the waning support for Biden, these trends indicate Harris' growing influence among a key voter demographic.
The latest Washington Post-Ipsos poll indicates that 69% of Black Americans are 'absolutely certain' to vote in the November election, up from 62% in April, but still below the 74% who expressed certainty in June 2020. Young Black voters show the most significant shift toward Kamala Harris. The percentage of Black voters aged 18 to 29 expressing support for Harris jumped to 77%, signaling a shift that could impact the 2024 election dynamics.
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