Trump Laments Biden Dropped Out After Rough Debate': Doesn't Mean You Just Take It Away'

I'm saying it's for a country with a constitution that we cherish. We cherish this Constitution. To have done it this way is pretty severe. Pretty horrible. You would have thought they would have gone out to a vote. They would have had a primary system. They would have done something. But to just take it away from them, like he was a child.
He's trying to put up a good face, but it's a very bad thing in terms of a country when you do that. I'm not a fan of his, as you probably have noticed, and he had a rough debate, but that doesn't mean that you just take it away like that. You go out to a vote, you do something. He had 14 million votes. She had no votes, she got no votes. And I think she's crashing.
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