Trump and Harris agree on a bleak view of the US if the other one wins

In a speech filled with promises, falsehoods, insults and jokes delivered by Donald Trump to a packed Wisconsin arena six days before the presidential election, one line stood out: November 5 will be the most important day in the history of our country. Hyperbole? Undoubtedly, and exactly the sort that the former president has used repeatedly in the past months, as he plots a return to the White House that Joe Biden ousted him from four years ago.
So much is on the line in this election, and this is not 2016 or 2020. We can all see that Donald Trump is even more unstable and more unhinged, and now he wants unchecked power, and this time there will be no one there to stop him.
Did it ring true to his supporters? For many, the answer was yes. We're screwed. Plain English, we're screwed, 72-year-old retiree John Martin replied when asked what would happen if Trump lost at the ballot box on Tuesday.
They have little in common as people or politicians, but as they campaigned in swing states and elsewhere in the final week before the presidential election, both the vice-president and former president converged on a unifying message to their supporters: America is at a turning point, and if I lose, the country will not be the same.
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