The Harris campaign is riding a wave to defeat - and may be setting a trap we've seen before

When George H.W. Bush was ducking debates during the fall of 1992, Bill Clinton's campaign sent trolling 7-foot chicken mascots to every Bush campaign event.
Harris is potentially setting up the same trap. While she certainly gets a passing grade in her CNN interview on Thursday night, skating by a softball chat that had no meaningful policy examination will not settle the question of readiness.
After her disastrous 2021 interview with NBC's Lester Holt, when she couldn't define the Biden administration's policy on immigration, even The New York Times reported Harris 'all but went into a bunker for about a year, avoiding many interviews out of what aides said was a fear of making mistakes and disappointing Mr. Biden.'
Biden himself put down the vice president publicly, claiming in a biography that 'Harris was a work in progress.''
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