Scoop: Congress' despondent Biden rebels see their "outflanked" revolt crumbling

One shell-shocked lawmaker who was present at the meeting would offer only one word to characterize it: "Intense." Another described the mood as "pretty much unanimous" that Biden has "got to step down," adding, "There were actual tears from people, and not for Biden."
Several House Democrats who have previously raised concerns about Biden said they are now with him: "Whether or not I have concerns is besides the point. He is going to be our nominee and, we all have to support him," said Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.).
Late Monday night, a House Democrat who is deeply skeptical of Biden acknowledged to Axios that Democrats were "folding all over the place" and "becoming resigned to Biden holding all the cards here, and us having no real say in the matter."
Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas), one of a half-dozen House Democrats who have urged Biden to withdraw, said: "Given the dynamics in these discussions, the reality is he's likely to stay in the race."
Read at Axios