President-elect set to shape 'Trump judiciary' for next generation

"The president will have a ready pool of nominees who he already knows, and is comfortable with," said Jesse Panuccio, a former top official in Trump’s Justice Department who now works in private legal practice.
"Perhaps different from anything we've seen since Grover Cleveland, the president is going to have the opportunity to see how these appointments, these appointees, have performed on the bench for several years now," Panuccio said.
Russell Wheeler, a fellow at the Brookings Institution, said if senators go about confirming judges with the same 'ferocity' they exhibited during the first Trump administration, Trump will have a good chance to change the makeup of the federal courts 'quite dramatically.'
Because these federal judges serve for life, and because Trump has tended to choose younger people for these jobs, 'we could be looking at a Trump judiciary for the next few decades.'
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